Ask yourself, are you eating for your eye health? If not, you should. Diet can have an impact on vision.
Do you know that almost one-fourth of our population suffers from weakened and compromised vision because of excessive screen time? Ever since the pandemic, with most people studying or working remotely, the problem has become worse.
Your eyes work continuously, and that takes up a lot of energy. When you spend more and more time looking at the screen, on the phone or laptop, you make them vulnerable to oxidative stress. The body needs carotenoids like zeaxanthin and lutein to protect eye health.
Now, where can you get these carotenoids? Of course, from a daily intake of vegetables and fruits. This fact tells you how important our diet is for maintaining good eye health.
What changes can you make in your diet to maintain good eye health?
Studies show that a faulty diet is one of the leading causes of eye problems. Did you know that the main reason for vision loss among adults between 20 and 75 years is diabetes?
How can you control diabetes? Only by eating a healthy diet and including foods that keep blood glucose levels in check.
Here are some tips to tweak your diet to improve your vision health and keep eye problems away.
- Foods rich in vitamins E and C boost vision health. You will find these vitamins in meats, nuts, leafy green veggies, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.
- Avoid simple carbs like refined white bread and pasta. Our body digests these faster, and it causes a spike in blood sugar levels. Instead, choose complex carbs like whole grains, wheat-based pasta, quinoa, etc.
- Avoid foods that contain excess sodium, like deli meats, frozen meals containing preservatives, salad dressings, sauces, pizzas, and hot dogs. High sodium intake causes hypertensive retinopathy. Damaged blood vessels cause loss of vision or blurry vision. Excessive sodium also leads to a fluid build-up under the retina, leading to choroidopathy.
- Include foods that are rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, which are essential antioxidants. These can protect your macula (that lets you view fine details clearly) from damage and lessen the risks of cataract development.
- Eat foods like eggs, liver, and dairy products that are excellent sources of vitamin A. Beta-carotene, present in yellow and orange-coloured fruits and vegetables like squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes, is converted by our body into vitamin A.
- Add more fish to the diet. Salmon, mackerel, tuna, and those containing omega-3 fatty acids protect the body against AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration).
- Limit the number of trans fats and saturated fats in the diet because these increase the risks of AMD and cataract development.
- Drink a lot of water because staying hydrated benefits overall health, including vision health. If you are dehydrated, you can experience dry eye syndrome.
- Quit smoking because this habit can be most detrimental to eye health. Smoking heightens the risks of AMD, cataract growth, and many eye diseases.
Make these changes to your daily diet to minimize the risks of eye problems. Vision health isn’t something that you should take lightly. It can become crippling if not corrected or checked on time. Don’t forget to get your eye tested regularly. Early detection of eye problems can guarantee you a quick and complete recovery.