Millenials Lacking in Soft Skills

Are Millenials Lacking in Soft Skills?

A Gartner survey recently reported that almost 65% of software professionals feel the “skills gap” delays the adoption of new, groundbreaking technologies such as AI. Gen Z is the first “digital native” generation born when...
BBA in Hardware and Networking

Bachelor’s in Hardware and Networking: The Future of Tech Management

In a world driven by digital transformation, hardware and networking form the backbone of technological advancement. From seamless cloud integrations to secure data transfers, the demand for skilled professionals who can navigate the intricacies...
Hospital Management

8 Ways to Build a Strong Career in Hospital Management

As healthcare systems evolve and become more complex, the demand for skilled hospital managers is rising. These professionals are responsible for ensuring that hospitals and healthcare facilities operate smoothly and efficiently, providing high-quality care...
college network

Can Your College Network Help You Land A Good Job?

You are a few months short of graduating; now is the right time to start looking for a job. If you don’t know where to begin, you are not alone. Your alma mater can help...
Teaching Styles

How Teaching Styles Can Impact Student Engagement

Did you know how a teacher teaches his students can affect his learning process? Teachers play a role in students’ lives, and their teaching style can determine their success. Success doesn’t mean grades. Instead,...

Useful Tips For First-Generation Students

Are you going to start college life soon? That can be worrisome for those who are scared to step outside their comfort zones into a new life about which they are clueless.
Hospital Management

6 Reasons to Pursue Bachelor in Hospital Management at George Group of Colleges

In today's rapidly evolving healthcare industry, there is a growing demand for skilled professionals who can manage and operate hospitals efficiently. A Bachelor's degree in Hospital Management equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and...
Instagram To Earn Money

Turn To Instagram To Earn Money In College

If you wish to earn pocket money in college, turn to Instagram. It's that simple! According to Business Insider, an Instagram influencer with less than 10,000 followers can make almost $900 on average per post....
linkdin profile

How Good Is Your LinkedIn Profile? Take This Test

Your LinkedIn profile can be the gateway to your professional world. It’s where you showcase your skills and expertise, share relevant content with others, and connect with peers, recruiters, and influencers. Sadly, many of us...

Are Driverless Cars Safer?

Are you aware that in the US alone, every year, more than 35,000 people die because of motor vehicle accidents? That’s a scary figure no doubt and one that may lead you to believe that...

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