How Game Developers Are Using AI To Boost Engagement


It’s a $200 billion-worth gaming industry out there; it’s only natural that developers will look for new ways to keep players engaged and enthralled. To do this, they must continuously monitor players’ behaviors in a game and watch the market as it changes rapidly.

However, for them to monitor this manually will be a tedious and time-consuming affair. That’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps in. AI technologies can detect patterns and adapt accordingly to environments, allowing developers to focus better on creating more immersive in-game experiences.

How AI is finding its way into game-making:

Game developers have started using AI for deeper user engagement and generating new interactive content.

You may wonder, how does AI achieve this?

  • AI does it by gathering opted-in data from the users to analyze user behavior. This gives them an idea about how gamers play, what attracts them most, and what makes them abandon a game. Using these insights, they can fine-tune the gameplay and identify new areas for making more money.
  • Besides monetary advantage, AI can be used to upgrade the quality of gameplay. AI makes designs more realistic and interactive and ensures that it is in keeping with a gamer’s method of play and skill level.
  • NPCs or non-player characters must be trained to negotiate obstacles, and AI can make this happen. Regardless of the player’s skill level, gamers must win against or beat an NPC. AI helps understand every player’s style, weaknesses, and strengths, and ensures that the game can adapt to these and provide customized interactions.
  • Not all players are keen to play aggressively or advance as fast as possible; some prefer a more relaxing style. This is where adaptive AI helps. It allows game developers to create a wide range of styles to cater to the interests of different types of players.
  • Another area where developers can use AI is in new ways to create games. For instance, AI can detect development trends and evaluate the competition and latest playing styles. Pattern recognition and constant learning can help in evolving the characters over time. AI analyzes their actions to make players engage better with the game and feel challenged. It ensures that in-game dialogues are more human-like, making the whole experience more realistic.
  • Since AI can turn insights into action, it can make gaming much safer for players. It protects player privacy and prevents toxicity among them. This is why it’s now being used for gaming in online casinos, processing payments via SSI encryption, and detecting cheating by players. This is very important where real money is used in casino games.
  • Did you know that toxicity is one of the biggest concerns in the gaming community? Players between 18 and 45 years face regular harassment during multi-player games, even threats like stalking. AI can offer much-needed security for protecting such players. Both machine learning and AI can identify bullying activities, abusive language, and aggressive actions. They will then report and ban the offenders if their actions are too threatening.

In this way, AI has been changing the gaming world and relieving developers of many mundane duties. Game developers are usually overworked because they must continuously monitor the games, in-game behavior, and player interactions. AI adds value to game development, relieves gamers of tedious duties, and promotes player engagement.