How Teaching Styles Can Impact Student Engagement

Teaching Styles

Did you know how a teacher teaches his students can affect his learning process? Teachers play a role in students’ lives, and their teaching style can determine their success. Success doesn’t mean grades. Instead, it indicates whether the students were interested in the subject or studied it only to get high marks.

How teaching styles change a student’s ability to learn:

Studies show that differences in teaching style can help students understand better. Here are some types of teaching styles commonly used by teachers:

Facilitator: This teaching style can have positive and negative effects. It’s for teaching science and mathematics, and also traditional topics. The teacher delivers theoretical information and encourages group tasks to make students apply them. Students work in groups, do assignments, solve problems, and make decisions.

Demonstrator: A teacher who follows this style will use demonstrations or class activities along with his lecture. It can help students understand a topic in-depth. It’s an interactive teaching style encouraging students to learn better by asking questions. Those who follow this teaching method are usually fun-loving individuals who don’t like planning and enjoy the thrills of discovering new things.

Lecturer: A lecturer usually teaches at the university or college level and can be employed full-time or part-time. They use lectures and seminars to explain the subject matter to students. Lecturers focus on real-world experiences rather than strictly-academic concepts.

Delegator: This teaching style encourages students to question and find answers independently. It’s a good choice for group tutoring classes, science laboratories, debates, and peer-to-peer activities requiring teamwork. It’s effective for boosting student engagement.

Autonomous Support: Autonomy is when a person is entitled to decide his behaviour. Teachers who follow this method allow students to teach tasks and provide their perspectives in classes. Students are in charge of their learning, and instructions help them develop their learning goals instead of pressurizing them with rewards and grades. According to research, autonomous motivation can lead to better education, less exhaustion, better-coping skills, and genuine passion.

It’s interesting to see how a difference in teaching style can invoke different degrees of student engagement in classrooms. As a student, which teaching style do you prefer?